A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
A Cup of Silver Linings by Karen Hawkins


A Cup of Silver Linings by Karen Hawkins is the 2nd book in The Dove Pond NC series. While it can be read as a standalone, I believe it is better to read The Book Charmer first. It will give you a better understanding of the Dove family and their gifts as well as the town. I was not aware that A Cup of Silver Linings was part of a series when I requested it. Dove Pond, North Carolina is a town filled with quirky characters that includes Ava Dove, the sixth Dove sister. Ava is getting ready to open her tea shop when something goes wrong with three of her custom tea blends. Ava needs to discover what happened and get it corrected before her reputation is ruined. In addition, Ava’s teenage employee, Kristen Foster is dealing with the loss of her mother. Her grandmother, Ellen has become her guardian and she wants to take Kristen to Raleigh with her. Kristen comes up with a plan to stay in Dove Pond. A Cup of Silver Linings had several storylines with alternating points-of-view. It can be hard to keep track of the various characters and their stories. It does not allow any one of the stories to become fully fleshed out. Plus, new secondary characters are constantly being introduced. I sometimes felt there were details that were not needed. They did not add to the story. It felt like something just added in as filler. I thought the author created a charming small town with quaint, quirky characters. This book series would make a great television program on Hallmark. I liked the paranormal element. It is interesting how each Dove sister has a different gift. I wish A Cup of Silver Linings had focused on Ava and her gift. I think it would have allowed the author to fully develop her character and her talent. I did like how everything came together at the end. Despite my comments, A Cup of Silver Linings is a sweet story. It is a good summertime book (perfect for reading by the pool or at the beach). A Cup of Silver Linings is a charming, heartwarming tale with troublesome teas, an imperturbable grandmother, an impatient package, a tearful teen, and a shocked sister.