A review by jugglingpup
Striker by Lexi Ander


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I got an ARC of this book.

I am slowly coming around to the idea of alien sex. It is a whole new world that has been given to me in this series, but this book just did not deliver on hot alien sex. I am a bit disappointed. It was the same sort of alien sex as the first book. It was fine, but there were so many pairings I just needed to see! (read: Isaiah just wants to see an alien gang bang, but is actually pretty happy with the sex scenes as they stand)

This book was much more plot heavy than the first. There were plots for the throne. There were treaties that spanned decades and multiple species. There were so many cool things. I just couldn’t put the book down. I did have to at one point, because I do need to sleep, but it was not willingly! The plot was heavy in a way that kept me enthralled. This is the sort of sci-fi that Star Trek promised me as a child and I wanted so badly, but then Star wars destroyed it. There were different species and cultures clashing. There was family dramas and intergalactic threats. I was so enraptured with the plot that I was a bit surprised. Sci-fi has never really been my thing, but a sci-fi like this I can understand. This is one of my standards of sci-fi books now.

The romance was eh. I am all for instalove, but I am not for instamarraige. Accidental pregnancy and cultural expectations aside, I just don’t have confidence in the couple to be a romantic couple. They have shown no ability to have a romantic relationship yet. They have shown a sexual relationship and that is it. So I am curious if the author can get me behind a romantic relationship or if I will still only care about the relationship when they are having sex. I did feel a bit cheated that there was no sex scene with Dargon’s other form. I feel like that is physically possible, but was shied away from for a reason I can’t pinpoint.

That cover! It is so much cooler now that I have read the book. I can’t explain why, it would be a HUGE spoiler. Just know that a lot more about Zeus’s culture will be explained. There is also a few good scenes with my favorite mother/empress. I am all for a mother that can make a warrior submit with just a look. That is my sort of representation for a mom.

Overall, I loved the book. It answered some questions I had from the first book and opened more. There are a few plot holes, but not like major ones. I am hoping that these are addressed in book three, but if not know that Zeus is not an adult (the epilogue mentions that his species is barely an adult at 50. He is around 27-ish). So I can’t wait to see if the author untangles that one. I can see the way it would untangle too.