A review by hellomadalyn
Meet Me in Outer Space by Melinda Grace


This review originally appeared on Novel Ink.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

If you’re a regular reader of the blog, you probably know by now that I can ALWAYS go for a cute YA contemporary. That being said, Meet Me In Outer Space delivered on that front!

In Meet Me In Outer Space, we follow our protagonist, Edie, who is struggling in her French class due to a learning disability that her professor will not make adequate accommodations for. Her TA, Hudson, offers to tutor her to help her bring her grade up, and cute romance ensues.

One thing I loved about this book was that it’s exactly the college-aged YA that so many readers have been begging publishers for. I always love reading books set in college, and Meet Me in Outer Space was no exception. One of my favorite things about this was just reading about Edie’s day-to-day life as a college student. Plus, we get some awesome fashion elements, since she is studying to work in the fashion industry. Edie, as a character, is so driven and goal-oriented. She has such a clear idea about her future, which I enjoyed since it felt a lot like how I was in college. Additionally, Edie’s Central Auditory Processing Disorder was #ownvoices representation, which was wonderful to see! We get insight into how Edie’s CAPD affects everyday processes in her life, but it’s not the central focus of the narrative. We see how frustrating it can be when people don’t validate her disability as a “real” thing.

The friend group in this book was SO fun to read about, too. They gave me all the college vibes, for sure. I especially loved Edie’s friendship with her roommate, Serena.

Really, this book is very straightforward: you go in expecting a cute romance, and that’s exactly what you get. It may be a little surface-level, but that doesn’t diminish the quality of the romance. Hudson, Edie’s love interest, is exactly the kind of nerdy book boyfriend that is my kryptonite. He was so endearing (and so full of puns!). The last scene, in particular, felt so cinematic and vivid, and it definitely had me swooning a little bit.

Overall, if you’re looking for a cute romance set in college, with plenty of heart (and lots of French!), I highly recommend checking out Meet Me In Outer Space.