A review by fleurette
Pros & Cons of Desire by A.E. Wasp


I love this series, but this book was the weakest so far.

There are few reasons for that. First of all, the whole scheme that our team carries out is not as interesting as in the previous books. I preferred the carefully planned cons from the previous books. Ridge is a professional thief, there was such potential in his character. I was expecting something spectacular, but the whole idea seemed hastily invented. And everything is basically completed in one day, without any careful preparations. In my opinion, this is a great missed opportunity.

Second, I wasn't impressed with the romance. It happens mostly outside the pages of this book. Ridge and Davis met at the end of the previous book. In this we learn that they have met regularly since then. And this is the moment when they are basically in love with each other. All the rest is just one day in their lives when they finally admit their feelings. We do not see any development of their relationship on the pages of this book. It is a pity because they make a unique couple with a nice dynamics. Again, this is untapped potential.

So I'm a bit disappointed. But I still love the series and these characters. I am very curious about the next book. I hope it turns out to be better.