A review by eileen9311
Henry persönlich by Stewart O'Nan


A treasure! This series of vignettes really resonated with me! I learned that it is part of a series, and realized that I had actually read an earlier one in this group, Emily Alone. That was years ago, and I was not enthused, although the books appear to be similar, and Stewart O’Nan’s writing sings. Perhaps because age wise I’m in Henry’s bracket now, so much rang true. The book is a delightful mix of ruminations and memories and regrets. Parts brought tears to my eyes I laughed so hard!
How well he evokes a sense of place, and the joy of recurring rituals throughout part of a life time! This passage refers to the family’s yearly retreat to a summer cottage.

‘Though there was no real schedule, their days assumed the same shape – chores in the morning, swimming in the afternoon. Lunch was sandwiches and leftovers on paper plates, dinner something on the grill. It was why they came, year after year, the comfort of the familiar, why they told the old stories as they sat on the screen porch while the sun set, recalling long-gone-great-aunts –and uncles and their crazy dogs. Even the errands they ran were to favorites like the Lighthouse or the Cheese Barn, destinations tinged with nostalgia. They had to have fresh corn and peaches and tomatoes from one farm stand in Maple Springs, and pies from Haff Acres, fetched home still molten.’

I could identify with the childhood anguish of learning to lose! (One might note that there are many adults in the present day who have yet to learn that lesson….) Henry’s older sister repeatedly delighted in trouncing him at all competitions.

‘……soon when anyone suggested a game, his mother would tell him he couldn’t play if he was going to get upset. He promised, under duress, thinking maybe this time it would be different, only to be overwhelmed at the end, fleeing hot-faced and seething with shame, blinking back tears as he climbed the stairs to his room, vowing vengeance on them all.’
Easily five stars! Surely I should give Emily, Alone another chance!