A review by katyanaish
Scourged by Kevin Hearne



I'm disappointed.

Look, I'd never say that Atticus was a perfect good guy - like all the best heroes, he's flawed. He's made good decisions and bad decisions. But this book seemed to treat this whole series - and his whole life - as if it was one endless chain of bad decisions, and it was now time to pay the piper.

It neglects the personal responsibilities of all the gods involved. Odin and the Norse are angry that Asgard was invaded? Well, what part of that wasn't a consequence of Thor being an enormous asshole for centuries? I despised how this book laid everything at Atticus's feet, as if his decisions were all shitty ones made in isolation, just him harming people who didn't deserve it.

Maybe the Norse should clean up their own house before they decide Atticus is the source of all problems. How about this: if they hadn't let Thor be a literal terror for centuries, none of this would have happened? And the same is true for the Greco-Roman deities.

What worked about this series, for me, was that we had a human character who was strong enough to stop gods - literal gods - from treating human beings as if we were amusing playthings, to be tortured and abused at their whim. And Atticus did stop them. Every deity Atticus smacked down definitely deserved it. And the rest of the pantheon is as much to blame for the situation as Atticus is - hell, they are MORE to blame, because shouldn't it be the responsibility of the gods in this world to keep themselves in line? Very few humans are strong enough to do so ... so basically, the gods failed to handle their shit, and it is all on them.

But all the harshest consequences fall on Atticus. Despite him actually handling 90% of the situation - he handled Jormundgar (with help), Hel (with help) and Loki. What did the gods do? Particularly the Norse, who stood in their mist with their thumbs up their butt while everyone else fought Ragnarok? Further, the "this is all Atticus's fault" shit doesn't even jibe with the plot as it came together through books and novellas. It has been pretty well-established that Odin set this whole thing in motion, to bring about a Ragnarok wherein his pantheon would have aid from other pantheons (so they wouldn't all die). The gods - and Odin in particular - have been manipulating Atticus to bring about this outcome for centuries, literally.

And what do they get as consequence? Nothing. They get to batter Atticus even more, after the battle, to take their supposed vengeance.

It made me sick.

And Granuaile ... I'm not even going to get into her, except to say I've always disliked her and her precious, self-absorbed, self-righteous bullshit. And in this book, I actually hated her. Literally hated. She has herself made a chain of poor decisions, and yet she sweeps in at the 11th hour to take down Loki like Princess Mary Sue, and suffers no shitstorm for her own bad choices. Instead, she adds to the pile on Atticus. Fuck her.

I'm disappointed because I loved this series, early on. And now I just wish Atticus had bowed out of Ragnarok and let all the gods - and Granuaile - die.
