A review by aoki_reads
Embracing the Predator by Aiden E. Messer


I’d like to thank the author, Aiden E. Messer, for providing me with an ARC of Embracing the Predator. This is solid erotic horror, not for the faint of heart.

” You’re a hybristophiliac, aren’t you? A willing victim.“

Yup, that’s Alex DeMembre—a young woman who is sexually aroused by criminal offenders. And in her small town— an active serial killer appears, dubbed the Geneva Mangler.

What fun!

Alex has one goal. She wants to meet him.

And Alex isn’t like the other girls. She’s demented and depraved— ready for an adventure of pain, torture, assault, and maybe a little murder? Whether she endures it herself or assists in harming innocent victims— it’s all just fun and games.

She has to meet him.

This novella moved at an incredibly fast pace, and I wanted a bit more from the author. Entertaining, gory, and very spicy, nonetheless. I’ve never read any work by Messer— but I understand why other readers are drawn in and raving about new releases. You get an action-packed story with a quick moving plot— and the gore all of us gore whores are searching for. It’s blunt, forward, and bold.

If you’re down for a sadistic and masochistic main character who has a cutie patootie pet possum, rightfully named Garbage— and you love books about serial killers, then I highly recommend picking this book up when it drops on September 1st. ★ ★ ★ ★ out of five stars for me. I’d be happy to read more by Messer in the near future.