A review by dunder_mifflin
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard


I really, really wanted to give this 5 stars, but I have to be honest, I had too many problems to actually give it that rating, no matter how much I'd like to.

1. 'Cleaving' seemed to be an important part of the novel. We see it occur throughout, and the people who cleave are obviously dangerous, but that's as much as we know. I thought maybe, by the end, that I was just slow to understand it, or that that I had just missed whatever explanation there was. But then I googled it, and found quite a few others who were just as confused as I was. I mean, sure, maybe it's vague on purpose and more information will be released on it later on in the series, but it just meant that I got a little confused whenever there was a cleaving scene.

2. Safi/Merik had no build up whatsoever. From both of their sides it was pretty much just "oh wow I'm so attracted to him/her but I hate him/her but I can't hate him/her because he/she's hot" and it just seemed that they had no development at all together. Which is quite sad, actually, because I think with a decent amount of build up, at least, I wouldn't have hated the ship so much. I wouldn't be bothered if they were just attracted to each other and that was that, but it's the fact that the romance is forced from that alone, and it's just, ugh.

3. I got confused about the world and the people in it so many times throughout the book. Like, there were all these different kingdoms and different titles that people held and yet there wasn't enough explanation about what title meant what and who was above who, and who was part of which empire and which empire was which because it just wasn't developed enough.

So these were my three biggest complaints, although I really did enjoy the book despite these - it was captivating and I sped through it, wanting more. I saw a lot of things coming, I won't lie, but it was a fun read anyway, and I often don't mind seeing what's coming, which was true with this book. Iseult was an amazing character, as was Aeduan, and I'm really excited to see how their relationship plays out, and Evrane was awesome too. I liked the others too, but these three just stood out to me. Also, the friendships are a+++ especially between Iseult and Safi. All in all it was a good read and I'd recommend it, just be prepared for a bit of confusion and insta-love.