A review by anshumanchurian
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference by Cordelia Fine


Excellent. Mind-blowing (literally: pun intended). Dire.
It is unbelievably well-researched. It's ridiculous how cogent and intelligent her style is. Page by page, as she peels away layers of misinformation, what emerges is a text that will surely stand the test of time.
A must-read for anybody and everybody. Period.
Consume it in small chunks and let it change your mind.

(I just found it a little dense in places since I had no idea about the workings of the human brain and mind, and also because I almost never read non-fiction. But it was totally worth the effort! I just wish there was a little more of Fine's witty, caustic and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny self throughout the book, but then it might have seemed pretentious or annoying, so I don't know.)
Do read it! ☀️