A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
Wrangler in Petticoats by Mary Connealy


We've all heard of the cliffhanger ending but we're talking Mary Connealy here, the queen of surprise and humor, so the cliffhanger is at the beginning of the book! Our heroine, Sally goes over the edge (literally) and so things can only go up from there. Sassy Sally and sensitive Logan mix like oil and water so the tension between these two is thick as molasses and makes this my favorite of Ms. Mary Connealy's books...so far.

If you're a fan of adventure, romance, feisty heroines, and different than usual heroes you will get all of those things in this novel. I got it yesterday and could not put it down. It was easy to read and there was so much going on it was hard to put it down to do the necessary chores around the house. The dishes did pile up and the dust got thicker on the furniture in my home so don't say I didn't warn you when the kids are wondering where supper is or when that paper that is due tomorrow doesn't get done!

Mary Connealy's books are romantic dramadies at their finest, not only that but they have great messages. This book is all about using God given talents no matter what others may say. If God gave you the talent to write, you write. If God gave you the talent to paint, then paint! While there is somewhat of an opposites attract thing going on with Sally and Logan I really think they have a lot in common because they both believe that nobody understands them. So two people trying to do their level best to fight their attraction do find common ground by understanding that each is the person who God wants them to be. All in all Wrangler in Petticoats is a terrific romance and from what I've read of Sally's sister, Mandy in this book and in Doctor in Petticoats I have the feeling that Sharpshooter in Petticoats is going to be a wild ride!

*I received my copy from the author but I wasn't obligated to provide a review.*