A review by ameserole
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee


Not Your Sidekick was freaking adorable. I loved everything about it.

Pretty sure, but not one hundred percent sure, that I've never read a superhero book/story/whatever. BUT I loved it and now I can totally say that I have read one. Also, I loved that this was LGBTQIA because it was refreshing. Now I don't want any type of hate on this review towards anyone for who they love, act, dress, or whatever else they want to do. Love is love and I fully accept that. I accept everyone and anyone. Except for people who drink decaf coffee because that's just a sin in my eyes.

Again, I loved Not Your Sidekick. I loved the characters within it and how they story was told. I honestly need and want the next book right now and I'm sadly disappointed in myself for not having it within my grasp. One can easily fall in love with Jess's character but then again you can fall in love with all of the character's within this book.

Everything was adorable. The romance was super freaking adorable and I didn't want it to end at all. I just want more. If this could become a TV show or a movie I'd be okay with it. But right now all I want is the next book.