A review by fauvely
Jessie Hearts NYC by Keris Stainton


This was an impulse buy in London. It looked like it might be a fun read.

I can't really say it was. I think it was going for a bit of a "Sleepless in Seattle" vibe where the characters always seem to be in the same spot but never really meet until towards the end. Basically dragged out and not well executed.

Anyways, you have Jessie and her friend Emma. They are from Manchester and have come to NYC for a trip to visit Jessie's mum. Then you have Finn, who is convinced he is in love with his best friends girlfriend.

Jessie and Finn don't actually meet until around the last half of the book. I didn't really like any of the characters in this book. There was nothing special about them that made me feel like they were real.

In fact, there was nothing special about this book(in my opinion). It seemed very dumbed down. There was no intelligence in this book.

I guess maybe someone might like it if they don't care if the characters have substance. Or if they want a ridiculously light read that will make you feel dumb for having read it.

It is kind of a Meg Cabot level of YA. Except Meg Cabot tends to be more enjoyable. So that is why I gave it 2 stars. It was OK but most of the time it was just painful!

It was like having someone hitting me over the head with a frying pan. Mostly uncomfortable and not good for the brain.