A review by purplepages
A.D. After Death, Book One by Jeff Lemire, Scott Snyder


If you know me, you probably know how much I love Scott Snyder's work (for those I've read at least, oh and except for American Vampire... that sucked). So when I see a work from him, it's an auto must read.

A.D After Death is just the beginning; you can easily tell. Why? Because nothing much happened here. It's a set up for what is to happen in the next books. The thing is, even as a set up, it should already give you a glimpse of what to expect in the next installments - this didn't give me that.

While I loved the writing, especially those parts where there are lengthy narration partnered with illustrations, I feel that it's still lacking. I want more. Unfortunately, there is just too little substance here. I could tell there is more to come though, so that's something at least.

The illustrations were good, at times. They just aren't what I prefer.