A review by redheadbeans
Zoot Suit: A Bilingual Edition by Luis Valdez


This is a story about the problems facing Chicanos in California during World War 2. It is not a very happy story, but it is a very deep story.

I liked reading something that switched between English and another language I could read and understand, for once. Most of the classics you end up reading as an English major use French, Latin or Russian, if anything, and if you're apparently unlucky enough to know and like Spanish, you never really get the opportunity to use your skills in your chosen field.

I really liked the messages in the play. It says a lot of things about ethnic differences and problems, and it is does a great job with metaphors.

I could do without the sexism, and I am really tired of saying "it was the times", especially since that really is not an excuse. But at least the author did not pretend that there were no problems. It is presented and it is not placed in a good light, thankfully.

I would love to see something like this live. The stage directions sound really interesting and it sounds like a very beautiful play.