A review by ebdawson
The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz


Kyle Robert Shultz is a master storyteller. That can be difficult to find in a day when writer blogs, self-help books, and accessible self-publishing have turned novel writing into a formulaic step-by-step process in an effort to make the gift of storytelling available to anyone. It is not available to everyone, nor will it ever be. Although the art of storytelling can be learned, it takes a great deal of time and investment. Some authors never get there. Whether by innate talent or hard work, Shultz has.

His dialogue is fresh and engaging. His writing is so clean and effective that it disappears and allows the reader to experience the story. His characters are believable and delightful. His story is a wild romp of pure imagination and though it touches on very real strains of darker human emotion, overall the tale remains refreshingly lighthearted.

I am very much looking forward to the next installment, and you should be too. Overall it reminded me of a mix of Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.