A review by christajls
Batgirl, Vol. 1: The Darkest Reflection by Gail Simone


This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic


In these first six issues of Batgirl we get reintroduced to Barbara Gordon. Don’t worry if you no nothing about her, you’re given a general sweep of her background story, her recovery from paralysis and start fresh with her readjusting to “regular” life. I think Simone has done a fabulous job demonstrating the challenges Gordon would now face after years in a wheel chair – such as survivor’s guilt – while also demonstrating the rebirth of Batgirl. She doesn’t waste any time getting back on the horse and I appreciated the fast paced the comic moved at.

In this collection she comes head to head with a villain named Mirror. The mystery surrounding his character was very well done, as you only received bits and pieces as Gordon herself gleans them, and I found it kept me guessing right until the last issue or so about his motivations.


LOVE Barbara. She is such a fantastic complex character. If you’re expecting a female superhero stereotype, look elsewhere. Simone is a fabulous writer, and she doesn’t give Gordon any easy outs. She’s struggling with a lot of personal demons and we see a range of emotions from her character – from happiness, to depression, to genuine fear and guilt. I loved that even though she got right back out there, wanting to protect the citizens of Gotham, she is still haunted by the memory of the Joker’s assault – sometimes at the expense of successfully completing her goals.

In a similar vein, I also appreciated the way Mirror was portrayed. He’s not your average comic book psychopath. He has very real reasons for doing what he’s doing. And even though you don’t agree with him, you can see his inner torment and pain. It’s easy to find complex protagonists if you look, but it’s the complex villains I’m always dying to read about.

Finally, I never thought I’d say this about someone who used to be Robin – but Dick Grayson as Nightwing is dreamy. He makes an appearance in one issues and I want more! Will definitely be picking up his series soon.


This is some gorgeous artwork. The love the vibrant colours. It’s so beautiful to look at.

And I adore that Batgirl is fully clothed. Nothing bugs me more then when female superheroes have bare midriff. That is where most of you essential organs are! And Barbara especially has reasons to want to protect her torso and back. But my fears were thrown right out the window when I saw the kick ass costume they have designed for her. She looks as prepared and protected as Batman – and that’s the way it should be.

Final thoughts

Fantastic start to the series. Love the story and the powerful female character. And I like that in this case powerful means more than just physical strength. I excited to see how Barbara grows as the series continues and what other Batman regulars may make an appearance. As a bonus I found this comic was really disability positive and puts a strong emphasis on the father-daughter relationship. I’m really excited to see where this series go and loved how easy it was to get acquainted with her. Would highly recommend this series to any Batman fans, new and old comic readers and both male and female readers. It definitely has a WIDE appeal.