A review by dtaylorbooks
Eventide: The Dark Ink Chronicles by Elle Jasper


How did we end up here?

It’s the third book in the series and it would appear I’m developing a liking for PNR smut. I’ll take it.

Okay, book. You've got fifty pages. Go!

I’m watching Riley quickly de-evolve into this unlikable super snatch and it’s kind of cranking my ass. Since I could read the book in a sitting I’m just going to follow through until the end. Plus I’ve come this far so why not?

What worked . . .

The last third or so of the book was its own redemption, really. I finally got to see the old Riley back, with super awesome powers of awesomeness, of course. That everyone’s so incredibly jealous of and makes all manner of guy want to bang her and whatever. But really, the kicker, was the introduction of new creatures and this organization that polices the supernatural world when shit gets out of hand. Jasper sucked me right back in and while I’m pretty much over Riley and her uncanny ability to get every guy in the world slathering over her I want to know more about this greater world that’s opening up. Namely angels. It got me good. Timing is everything and all that.

Plus Jasper that this rather awesome ability to loop interesting back into an otherwise uninteresting moment in the story. Since a solid chunk of the book was just Riley bitchifying Jasper kept little things happening, even if ti was just Riley losing her mind yet again. It was enough for me in the context of the greater story arc. I guess I just like her writing. Not the greatest in the world, as I’ve said before, but it hits me right. I really don’t have a good explanation for it.

What didn't work . . .

EVENTIDE is the book that sees Riley change into a mega bitch and, quite frankly, it goes on for a bit longer than it’s welcome. At first she just started off a bit cranky but then she just got nasty and I really didn’t like being in her head. It was just a rancid place to be and I think this part of the story would have been better off being told from the points of view of the people around her. You already knew what was happening to her and Riley was about as deep as a puddle in this one so it’s not like her inner thoughts offered much insight so why not get out of her head completely? I think the story would have been more enjoyable that way.

In EVERDARK the chapters were prefaced by snippets from Riley, a commentary about something to come in the chapter itself. In EVENTIDE they were blurbs from other characters about Riley and it felt like a cheap interview on plastic furniture had just been conducted. They were annoying and ultimately useless to the greater story. Maybe because they were so Riley-centric that they really got on my nerves, as if the characters only feel in terms of Riley. At this point the world is starting to revolve around her and I’m kind of over it.

And her relationship with Victorian was just . . . weird. It somewhat served a purpose in this book but at this point he’s just a creep. A creep that Riley warms up to. Weird. I hope it’s fleshed out in later books, and not necessarily that way either.

And in the end . . .

I already have the fourth book on my Goodreads WANT list. I can’t help it. I want to keep coming back. It’s like an addiction. Although I have a feeling this might be the make or break book. If I don’t enjoy it I’ll probably stop reading the series. There isn’t enough sex to keep me entertained and Riley really isn’t my friend anymore so it’s going to come down to the world but I’m still interested in seeing how it pans out.