A review by tomnoor
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


 I liked the plot, setting, many of the characters, etc but the misogyny was really draining. Just endless comments about the women characters’ attractive bodies or lack thereof. Clara’s dismal ending bothered me too - all she did was have the audacity to not fall in love with a 10 year old boy when she was like 20, and I’m supposed to be glad to hear she ended up withering away alone? Nor did I care for the several male characters who physically and emotionally abused their wives/daughters only to later be characterized as loving, misunderstood men. Also, 18 hours was a long audiobook only for the mystery to be not so much solved as just revealed in a tell all letter by a character who could have at least said the same things about 200 pages earlier. I also definitely felt deceived by the premise of the “cemetery of forgotten books” which was hardly fleshed out despite being the primary marketing on the book jacket. This book was exhausting to read, even when I was enjoying it, so I don’t think I’ll be picking up the sequels. 

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