A review by laurelinwonder
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson


The loose inspiration for this book was the Slender Man stabbing a few years ago, but this is not a Slender man book, nor does it spend time trying to tell that story, in fact Wilson, doesn't even know all of the details of the real case on purpose. If you enjoy mysteries but are a bit squeamish, you'll want to take a hard pass on this one, but if you enjoy the heavier, more graphic side of the genre, you're in the right place. This is how you do a psychological thriller. I could almost feel Alice's fear, her anxiety, her dread, her anger, her desire to finally be done with people's obsession with Mister Tender and the attack which almost killed her.

While there are many mysteries, great and small here, I didn't feel the pressure of having to solve them myself. I was able to just sit back and watch it all unfold. I was fully invested in the reveals, but was able to wait and be shocked along the way, instead of rushing about trying to figure it out before the author decided to let us in on all the secrets.

Highly recommended for those looking for a little less mainstream read; one that isn't a cookie cutter reading experience but will take you on a wild ride, if you allow it to. It's a plot based thriller, unlike any I have ever read, and honestly, that was super refreshing.