A review by rebeccak04
Most Likely by Sarah Watson


Most Likely is a perfect feel-good read and is one of the most accurate portrayals of high-school students that I've seen. The girls aren't perfect by any means and do have their own struggles and sometimes bad decisions, but that's what makes them so accurate since teenagers aren't perfect either. Some critiques that I do have are that the beginning of the book was a little hard to follow because it jumped person to person without breaks, the pacing was a bit weird in some places, and the characters could have been a little more developed personality-wise, but all of those problems are understandable since this is Sarah Watson's first book. Overall, this is a very wholesome read that does touch on some realistic problems such as ableism and racism with a very sweet and satisfying end. This is perfect for anyone in a reading slump or just looking for a quick, feel-good read.