A review by samalvarez823
1 Dead in Attic: Post-Katrina Stories by Chris Rose


Being from Louisiana, stories about Katrina will always have a piece of my heart. The tales of survival and death, are just interesting to me. You see, it wasn’t Katrina that hurt our bowl shaped city, it was caused by man made failures. Ie: Army Corps of Engineers.. Those levees failed the city of New Orleans that is already below sea level, those levees caused people to have to break through their attics to get to their roofs to survive.

We can also blame people for not evacuating when told to do so BUT, how many people do you know that would stay? After all, it had been years since a storm had touched Nola and what about those who didn’t have the funds to get out of dodge? So many factors contributed to the immeasurable amount of deaths from Katrina. This book is a compilation of Chris’ articles in the Times Picayune during the year after the storm. They’re chilling, their interesting, mind boggling at times and then at others, just remind me of all of those times we’ve endured storms and the time after. The time after when you’re without power, cooking all the food in your freezer on a charcoal grill before it goes bad.. Sitting around with nothing to do because, well yeah no power and its hot as hades in Louisiana especially with our humidity index..

I honestly enjoyed Chris’ view on the subject; his honesty, his frustration and his realness… Heres the thing, just because you don’t have immediate members of your family die in a horrific storm or lose your house, doesn’t mean you can’t end up with depression or ptsd over an event. Depression and anxiety can come at the craziest times. This story was good and I definitely recommend it. 4 stars for this hidden gem!