A review by davidjordan
Forage by Rose McLarney


A couple of hours ago, poet Tara Skurtu tweeted:

"How do you describe your poetry?"

me: "I don't describe my poetry."

That particular sentiment sums up my feelings well when the topic is reviewing my favorite poetry collections. I want people to read the poets I love, but I rarely have the words to describe exactly what it is that excites me about a particular collection. There are skilled reviewers who can do this, and do it well, and for those I am grateful. However, the best I can usually do is say, "I love this one, and I think you will, too."

That is certainly the case with Forage, the new book by Rose McLarney. Not only did I enjoy this book immensely, I am excited about reading her other books which had escaped my attention before now. A good sign for me when discovering a new (to me) poet is how much I look forward to seeking out their previous published works. Read this one. I loved it, and I know you will, too.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin books for the electronic advance review copy.