A review by emilylovesreading_
No Better Time by Sheila Williams


Thank you, @netgalley, for my gifted e-copy of “No Better Time” by Sheila Williams.

This historical fiction covers a unique WWII perspective, telling the story of two Women of Color who served in the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, which was a branch of the Women’s Army Core (WAC).) The battalion was tasked with the insurmountable task of sorting years’ worth of mail and making sure that letters were received.

I found the subject to be very fascinating, and I feel that this is a WWII story that has not yet been told in a novel. Unfortunately, though, this book did not read much like a novel. There is a lot of information and little dialogue comparatively. I found the writing to be a bit clunky, but I still enjoyed reading through and learning about something new in history. I had never heard of the 6888th Battalion before and am so glad that I know about this piece of WW2 history now! It was heartbreaking to read about the racism that these women endured and interesting to learn more about what different aspects of the WAC were like and the different kinds of circumstances that lead women to join.

I would definitely recommend this book to you if you are interested in WW2 or WAC history!