A review by sassysmutlover
The Devil's Submission by Nicola Davidson


*Received a copy via NetGalley

This is definitely not my usual style of book. I enjoyed the story between them and just wasn't into the language being used and some of what went on in Fallen. It was different seeing other things besides what most romances have and I really like the characters. I did love the ending with her mother a lot and his brother.

Eliza is definitely bold and likes to be in charge, but her mother has drilled it into to be the opposite. When she finally realized that she needed to be her and not what her mother wanted it was great!

Grayson's life is a bit shocking, but he is very likable and very nice even in business unless you did something wrong. He had his friends that he was open with, but he didn't explain everything to his wife at first.

His friends sounded very interesting and fun. If you don't mind the language and whips, feathers, and other detailed things then this is probably a good book for you.