A review by kzimm2024
Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold


5 "Master" stars. I was skeptical that this story written in Ista's POV would be as compelling as the first story with Caz. I was wrong and I freely admit it. It's just as good dammit. I am pissed that these books were written in 2009 and here is is, 2022 before I get the pleasure of reading them.
Thank you Lois.

Ista is a character-a woman that has been treated as if she is crazy by her loved ones who don't understand that she is "god-touched". Touched by and left abandoned, she saw with spiritual eyes the ghosts and demons that haunt humanity. She is angry, bitter, disrespectful and could not care less as she deals with the death of a man that she helped murder (with good intentions of course), the death of her husband and the death of her son, the future Roya of the Land due to a curse she married into.

This story starts at the death of her mother. Her mother who was much loved but ruled with an iron fist. Now what? Her life is strangely unencumbered at 40 years of age and the mother of the current Queen. And the adventure begins as she just bolts for freedom:

"She was not, she thought, quite fool enough or mad enough to wish for bandits instead. Maybe that was the trouble; maybe she just wasn’t crazed enough. True derangement stopped at no boundaries."

She decides that bolting without a plan was a foolish thing to do but on her way back to captivity, she runs into a caravan of pilgrims headed out to various holy sites and an idea is sparked. She tells her family that she wants to make a pilgrimage and everyone assumes it is to pray for her daughter to bear a son. She lets them think that. Unexpected support for her journey from Caz speeds her along.

I find I love this Ista- sarcastic, realistic, grounded:
"Her smile grew bitter as desert brine.
“The gods may forgive Ista all day long. But if Ista does not forgive Ista, the gods may go hang themselves.”

She slowly opens up like a flower, trapped in the darkness of her life to embrace walking out into the world. And her encounter with The Bastard:
He merely grinned, maddeningly. “When the man arises who can make you laugh, solemn Ista, angry Ista, iron Ista, then will your heart be healed."

She curses the Bastard frequently, which He deserves :)
But we get to have a slow burn love story wrapped in a bit of Horror with Fantasy.

I dreaded the thought that we were going to have a love triangle- nope! No spoilers here but I was surprised at the twist between these 2 brothers and Ista and Catti.

The sleeping man from her dreams, met in real life:
"He reached out with two fingers and gently turned her chin toward him.
“You made a difference to me,” he said. “Any woman who can wake a man from a sleep of death with a kiss deserves a second glance, I think.”
Ista snorted bitterly.
“I didn’t wake you with a kiss. I only disrupted and redirected the flow of your soul-fire, as I did later with Cattilara. The kiss was just . . . self-indulgence.”
A little smile curved his lips. “I thought you said it was a dream.”

oooh- busted by the quick witted man...

Lots of quotes that I loved as the story/mystery unfolded:
"Ista flushed. “I am afraid I have no talent for”—she swallowed—“dalliance. When I was young I was too stupid. Now I’m old, I am too drab.”
Too stupid then too mad then too drab then too late.
“I’m just not the sort.”

"It was the fault of the hand massage; it lulled her. She said unthinkingly, “What?”
“Fall in love with you. Sweet Ista.”
She jerked back. She had heard that endearment before, but not on those lips.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Bitter Ista?” His brows climbed. “Cranky Ista? Cross, ill-tempered, cantankerous Ista?”
She snorted; he relaxed, and his lips quirked again.

And I loved it when she decided to just take the power, the gift given her, take the authority given her:
"She stared back. The animal suddenly grew very still.
Ista stood on tiptoe, grabbed one ear, and whispered toward it, “Behave for Lord Arhys. Or I will make you wish I’d merely ripped your guts out, strangled you with them, and fed you to the gods.”
“Dogs,” corrected the nervous groom holding the twitch.
“Them, too,” said Ista.

And her wry humor:
“Is Lord Illvin that odd tall fellow who rode in with you?” asked Lady dy Hueltar suspiciously.
“I must say, I did not like the very forward way he kissed your hand.”
“No? Well, he was pressed for time. I shall make him practice, later, until his technique improves.”

And finally- her happiness:
Lord Illvin: “Tch, tch, look at yourself, bittersweet Ista. Saint, sorceress, dowager royina of all Chalion-Ibra, converses with gods, when not cursing them—a man would have to be maniacally intrepid to even think of you in that rude way. . . . This is good. It will cut down on my rivals.”
She couldn’t help it; she giggled.
She heard herself, and laughed, in wonder, in joy, in huge surprise.