A review by jrsbama69
Those Who Forget: My Family's Story in Nazi Europe - A Memoir, a History, a Warning by Geraldine Schwarz


I found this book to be interesting and to a degree thought provoking initially. However the further I read it began to read like a justification for how the author and the rest of Germany think. The author takes potshots at nearly every other country in the world and chides them for not doing things that German way. Her attack of President Trump is typical of the left wing media and their 4 year hatefest. I do not believe as she appears to that rewriting history through tearing down monuments that are no longer in favor is a good thing. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it is an understatement when compared to those who learn from revised history and act from ignorance. I will not recommend this book to others primarily because I disagree with so much of it.