A review by blurrybug
Baby Doll by Hollie Overton


It was a read that sucks you in, but I had a problem with the constant romance appearing.
In my opinion it was not needed at all I feel like a girl kept captive and abused for 8 years would not be on the track for romance within the first 3 days of her escape... I get the view of wanting to go back to how things were before, but it seemed put in there because "It's a book for teens it needs a romance"

I enjoyed how the villain of the book was written a narcissistic beloved guy who could sweet talk an eskimo into buying snow. It's a fresh air of the "mistreated loner wolf" stereotype we frequently see in these type of books.

I enjoyed it but every time the romantic elements showed I got annoyed. I wanted the focus to be on the development of her as a victim rising and though that does mean moving on in all aspect even a romance but within a few days of escape just meh...