A review by farahhananii
Sentient by Kenechi Udogu


Review on blog: Tumbling in Books

Let me start off with this: This book is EASILY better than the first one! I definitely loved it more! I'll admit though, the beginning was a little slow for me but when the plot thickens, it's just like, BAM! Action!

I think I should list down the pros and cons.

-Slow beginning but the introduction is definitely needed.
-I kinda feel like Gemma is more uptight in Sentient than in Aversion?

-Character growth. Gemma's uptightness? It didn't last long.
-Russ. Definitely Russ.
-And new fun character! I LOVE LAURA!!!

Sentient has everything! It keeps you guessing with suspense, the tension between Russ and Gemma keeps you at the edge of your seat and that small plot twist in the end like, WHAT?! Also, I am giving credit to Kenechi Udogu for not making Sentient into a cliffhanger. Like, if she did, I will DIE. Second book syndrome is a bitch. Cliffhanger or no cliffhanger, I am EXCITED to see what she has for Keeper.

PS: I am LOVING that cover! If I ever see this book on Malaysia's shelf, I will buy it without a second thought :D