A review by wynter
The Stone Monkey, Volume 4: A Lincoln Rhyme Novel by Jeffery Deaver


I went into this book not expecting to be blown away. I find that nothing that I've read from Deaver has yet compared to the first Lincoln Rhyme novel - [b:The Bone Collector|6260623|The Bone Collector (Lincoln Rhyme, #1)|Jeffery Deaver|http://images.gr-assets.com/books/1347775552s/6260623.jpg|2589896]. The plot quality appears to be going slightly downhill, though far from jumping the shark. On the other hand, I was not looking forward to reading about Chinese gangsters and human trafficing. As I've mentioned before in my thriller/mystery reviews, I am not too fond of organized crime in my fiction. Give me a serial killer, or a butler with a grudge - anything that doesn't involve gangs and drug peddlers, - and I'm happy. Here, however, Lincoln and Amelia are on the hunt for a notorious snakehead from mainland China, who downs an entire boat carrying illegal immigrants to the USA. Yawn, next please.

Behold, I actually enjoyed The Stone Monkey, and enjoyed it even more than Lincoln's previous escapades in hicktown from the last book. I was surprised. Deaver has a talent to make his readers care about minor characters. Those one-book characters that are usually killed off in a thankless manner of redshirts actually have personalities. He also has a number of aces hidden in his sleeves, even if you think the action is done and resolved. I was on the edge of my seat a number of times.

There were a few things that bothered me that I do have to mention:

1. I wish Deaver would stop making all Chinese sound like this.


Just because your characters are fresh off the boat, it doesn't mean they need to talk like Mr. Miyagi and endow the clueless white people with pearls of ancient wisdom.

2. Amelia is too super badass cop for my liking. In real life she wouldn't be able to just jump red tape and do whatever she felt like doing (ie. diving with little experience against all safety regulations). There are specialized people in the police force that do these jobs, and some former patrol officer cannot ignore chain of command just because she works with a consulting detective now.

3. I actually wanted to slap Amelia in this one, not once, but several times. She constantly breaks regulations and does stupid crap like revealing sensitive information to a civilian. I need this woman to smarten up. I also wish that Deaver would have taken more time before his push Lincoln and Amelia into a relationship. I find tension between to characters that are secretly attracted to each other is much more interesting to follow than outright romance (kind of like they spoiled X-Files by making Scully and Mulder a couple in the end).