A review by becandbooks
Scared Little Rabbits by A.V. Geiger


Trigger warnings:
Spoilerdeath, death of a friend, sister and brother, drowning (implied), illness, financial stress, blackmail, suicide (implied), adult-minor relationship

Scared Little Rabbits, for me, is one of those books where you say it was fine but in all honesty there are just a lot of other books that do it better.

Overall, this was a book that was easy to full into. The writing style was easy, if not entirely engaging. The characters had things to root for and the backdrop of a coding summer camp was a nice backdrop.

Beyond this though, this book lacked a lot of depth. I never felt any connection with the characters, nor was I ever particularly interested in the mystery element of the story. Sadly, this book just felt quite lackluster.

I also had some gripes with the romance. For one, there was too much. This easily could have been a tween romance with the way cheesy dialogue and very set-up situations throughout the book.

In the end, this wasn't a book for me.

Note: Review copy received via NetGalley. This does not impact opinions within this review.

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Happy reading! ❤