A review by shadowfelle
Clan Novel: Tzimisce by Eric Griffin


This book was going to be a challenge for anyone to write -- the Tzimisce are by definition inhuman, difficult if not impossible to understand, and horrifically sadistic. It ultimately fell short of my hopes. The narrative jumps perspectives so often that it's difficult to identify a clear protagonist, or develop any level of real familiarity with any one of the multiple viewpoint characters. I was even a bit disappointed by the lack of horror aspects. There's gore, certainly, which should be expected from a Sabbat-viewpoint novel, but it didn't quite hit the level of surreal body horror I was hoping for. Sorry, bone spurs and weird piercings by themselves aren't evocative enough for me.

Also, don't bother with this unless you're familiar with the Vampire: The Masquerade setting. I can't imagine this being comprehensible to anyone who isn't.