A review by koiketto
Unnatural Creatures: Stories Selected by Neil Gaiman by Neil Gaiman

Did not finish book.
**Paused at 62%**

Look: this book has everything I want in books. It's creepy, it's unsettling, it's magical, it's comforting—at some points, the stories reminded me of the old fantasy books I used to read when I was younger. It's a collection of short stories dating as far back as 1885 with all of them being centered around some unnatural creature as the title suggests, and each one is held together with a sort of whimsical sophistication.

But, at the same time, I think I'm going to have to pause this for now. It's just...it's so long, and the fact that it's broken into so many different stories makes it feel 10 times longer, and I love all the stories, I do, but reading story after story with the same vibe told in a different way was starting to wear on me. I think I'm gonna need to take a break and come back to the story later, but for now I can say that it is a solid good book. I would definitely recommend if you like old, creepy stories.