A review by a_ab
This Is My Brain in Love by I.W. Gregorio


Wow. Even with some of the YA-lit treatment simplifications, this is a very complex and nuanced book, which manages a skillful discussion and illustration of a multitude of real issues, concerns, and cultural realities. Yet, while accomplishing all that, - and this is the most impressive bit, - it also manages to stay true to the characters, their emotions and relative ages.

I was prepared to not finish this book when I started reading it - mostly because I didn't think it would fit my mood at the time. The book was due at the library, so I decided to give it a go before returning it - just to get an idea of whether I should plan to check it out again... I finished it in one sitting, staying up too long to do it. This is not a high stakes thriller by any stretch, but the raw emotions in this book rang so true that I got ridiculously invested in the lives of these characters.

This is also not an easy or fluffy read, despite the technical subject matter affiliation with young love and lack of tragedies or real drama on page. The story is very slice-of-life and matter-of-fact in tone, but it hits all the right notes to have an impressive impact.

I am extremely surprised and very much impressed.