A review by literaryluxe
Wake of the Phoenix by Chelsea Harper


Wake of the Phoenix is a queer political fantasy that follows three characters: Arkaen, Kilasha, and Niamsha. Arkaen and Kilasha are the queer main couple, but their relationship remains a secret because it's forbidden. Niamsha is a thief who is trying to make a better life for her and her brother.

While I did like the political schemes in the novel, the plot was slow and hard to get through at several points. I had to force my way through it at times. Character backgrounds were also dragged out a little bit and I found that hard to follow at times too. Some of the characterization seemed so out of place, especially for Niamsha. I didn't care for her to be honest but I did like Kilasha! He is a pretty great character with an awesome set of powers!

Speaking of Kilasha though, I was initially interested in this book because it's labeled as a queer read, but it's not an open relationship and cheating is a component of it. The relationship was a secret that I suppose is meant to add to the suspense of the plot and political aspects. But I was expecting something different since Arkaen is a high lord; I thought he'd had more power to be in a relationship with whomever he wanted before I started the book, but that is not the case. Also, the ending was messed up. I was highly upset, but that's the point I guess. If you're looking for shockers, this will deliver. The political intrigue is there if you like that! I definitely wouldn't recommend this for the faint of heart though as it's pretty gory at times and don't get attached! Overall I would give it 3.5 stars and I will pick up the sequel to see how the characters respond to the cliffhanger scence at the end of this book!

Thank you NetGalley for sending me an e-arc copy in exchange for an honest review.