A review by magencorrie
Losing It by Cora Carmack


I picked up Losing It because I just kept hearing great things about it, and it really caught my interest. And let me just say, I am so glad I did! This is another contemporary book I believe anyone who loves a cute, quick romance story should read!!

Bliss Edwards is a twenty-two year old virgin. Yeah, she’s twenty-two and still carries around her v-card. And with graduation looming, and being practically the only virgin at school, she’s a bit determined to lose the big V. That is, if she can stop thinking long enough to do the big deed.

With the advice of her friend, Kelsey, Bliss decides the best way to go about this is to have a one night stand. It’s simple, no strings attached. The deed will be done and she can finally wipe her hands of being a virgin.

But Bliss just can’t seem to stop her brain from over thinking, and when she has an unbelievably hot British boy in her bed she freaks. She makes up a ridicules excuse and leaves that hot British boy naked, in her room, on her bed. She thinks she’ll never see him again, that her embarrassment dies there.

That is until she walks into her theatre class, and sees the very same guy she left in her bed only hours ago. And to just make this even more wonderful for Bliss, she finds out he is also her new professor.

So, what can I say about Losing it? That it was an amazing thrill to read! It was attention grabbing, humorous, charming, heartwarming and endearing. A wonderful contemporary romance that will capture your heart, your attention and will leave you with a smile on your face!

What I found I enjoyed most about this book, is Cora’s writing style. I adored it, it was witty and cute. And she made me love Bliss. She is such a fun character, and at times I truly loved being inside her head! Her innocence and clever dialogue made her a pleasure to read about. Then you have Garrick, her professor, and I would love to have him as my professor. He is a very smart, nice and charming guy. Plus he’s British, so he has an accent. I love accents! I really enjoyed that he is a very honest character, unlike Bliss, he faces everything head on. So he was a very refreshing male character.

Cora’s main characters were a delight, but her side characters are not to be forgotten. I also enjoyed Kelsey. She was a hoot, a very snarky kind of girl with a mouth on her.

Bliss and Garrick definitely started off differently; they have a very unconventional start to their romance. And I really enjoyed that. They do have an instant attraction, and everything they go through they were able to show that they are strong characters.

I also loved that Cora put her characters through some very embarrassing situations, even though it had me laughing, I did feel sorry for the characters, especially Bliss. As the story progressed I was so wrapped up in it, in Garrick and Bliss, that I just couldn't put this book down. From the up’s and down’s of their relationship, to the embarrassing situations, the intense-ness of their love, I fell in love with Losing it.

Losing it was an emotional, heartwarming and cute book.
No real drama, just a test of love.
It is a sexy, quick and fun college romance, with an unconventional way of finding your true love.