A review by via1
Torchwood: Broken by Joseph Lidster



There are a few things I'd like to say about this.

Firstly, the subject matter was so sympathetically handled, and I thank both the writers and Gareth for that.

Secondly, wow. Ianto, yet again, gets the recognition and attention that he deserves. His story regarding Lisa, of loss and grief and trauma, along with his life story, having lost everything and feeling so alone, gives so much scope for good content. This audio drama successfully let's us know how he feels and hear about his past, but somehow there is still that aura of secrecy we saw in the show: we don't physically see his flat, don't meet any friends that he may have, etc. It's the perfect balance for such a character, who is neither major nor minor in Torchwood: he simply exists, and ends up being a mouthpiece for those suffering from loneliness and loss. I'm grateful to have been allowed to delve deeper into his world.

I'd recommend this to anyone who loves Torchwood and especially Ianto's character; it's certainly a 'must-listen'.