A review by s_hay
The Exact Location of Home by Kate Messner


Zig is an 8th grader who hasn't seen his dad much since he left home and when Zig's dad cancels yet another visit Zig is upset. But then Zig discovers Geocaching, a hobby that his dad once had, and he finds a geocacher that he is sure is his father. In an attempt to catch up with his dad Zig follows the clues to the caches he hid. Meanwhile, the bills at home are piling up and Zig's mom refuses to ask his dad for help. Zig faces the prospect of losing his home, begins having trouble at school, and even loses touch with his friends as life begins to spiral out of control.
A good look at the struggle of poverty that many kids hide that would be good for kids who are not in that situation.
Good for ages 11 and up.