A review by promisedlostboy
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

challenging mysterious reflective slow-paced
You know, I started reading this book a couple months ago, only to put it down, because I was overwhelmed by the writing style. This time around I took turns switching between the audio and print 

I realise now how much I love this book. Throughout the whole book there is this soft quiet atmosphere that carries you through the story, and the first half really has you questioning so much about this world and very much gives off Promised Neverland vibes (I wouldn't be surprised if the manga was partially inspired by this book). 
Eventually though, you reach a point where the answers don't really matter anymore, and you just want to see events play out. It doesn't really matter if there are questions left unanswered, because our characters exist in this world, and they don't need to know everything about the specifics of the world. The same way we're characters in our world, and don't know everything about the specifics of our existence. 

Both the readers and the characters, exist in their respective worlds, and that is enough.