A review by ctgt
Dark Entries by Robert Aickman


I've been on a real Aickman kick recently having just finished [b:The Wine-Dark Sea|65514|The Wine-Dark Sea|Robert Aickman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335660542s/65514.jpg|63562] I heard about a group read for this title and decided to join the discussion. This collection definitely had a "darker"(no pun intended) feel than Wine-Dark but I still wouldn't really call this horror. Weird, yes. Bizarre, absolutely. Loaded with subtext, without a doubt. I did enjoy this collection a bit more than Wine-Dark but that is directly related to all the discussion during the group read. I truly believe Aickman stories need to be kicked around amongst a group of readers.

I really loved Ringing the Changes, The View and Bind Your Hair with The Waiting Room being the weakest.

You live surrounded by the claims of other people: to your labour when they call it peace, your life when they call it war; to your celibacy when they call you a bachelor, your body when they call you a husband. They tell you where you shall live, what you shall do, and what thoughts are dangerous. Does not some modern Frenchman, exhausted by it all and very naturally, say, "Hell is other people?"