A review by dantastic
Chew, Vol. 4: Flambé by John Layman


Chu and Agent Valenzano go looking for a missing voresophic named Daniel Migdalo, a man with super genius intelligence while he's eating. What does Migalo's disappearance have to do with the mysterious alien writing burning in the sky?

Here we are, the fourth entry in the Chew series. Chew, Colby, and sometimes Valenzano go up against an enormous man, a kid named Peter Pilaf, and team up with the USDA. More of Chew's family history is explored and the secret of the writing in the sky is revealed.

Until the last issue in this collection, I was thinking about this being the last issue of Chew I read. The pace is soooooooo slooooooooooooooooow. I like all of the double dealing and family secrets and whatnot but the chicken conspiracy plot has barely advanced.

However, I do intend to continue. Layman is good at timing his twists, as the end of this collection showed. Also, a chicken restaurant called Mother Cluckers is hilarious. And I'm glad Chu didn't have to eat a dirty diaper. I plan on continuing the series but my enjoyment is waning.
3 out of 5 stars.