A review by mad_about_books
The Gatekeeper: A Thriller by James Byrne


Desmond Aloysius Limerick, "friends call me Dez," is not your typical leading man. He's not tall, he's not dark, and he's not handsome. As the leading man in a thriller, he's nigh on perfect. Dez Limerick stands five feet, eight inches tall, is not just fair skinned but pink, is bow legged… and all muscle. He is the gatekeeper. He opens doors for those with a mission, counts them through the door and makes sure the same number comes out. There are only a handful of books I've read where the protagonist is both human and superhuman. Dez is such a character. He is self-deprecating and brilliant. His areas of expertise are legion.

The plot of THE GATEKEEPER is full of twists and turns using the division in United States policy and politics to tell a story that is up to the minute relevant. And, as in all good thrillers, there is a love interest. She's not a Bond girl who will either have been sent by the other side or a damsel in distress. Petra Alexandris is an honest broker that is central to thwarting the rogues that surround her. Dez and Petra meet in a hotel elevator and minutes later Dez foils a kidnapping attempt on her. She was no doubt in distress, but never a damsel.

THE GATEKEEPER will take you beyond the realm of fiction into the world of possibility. As fascism digs in for the long haul in nations who tout democracy, reality tells us that it can and might happen here. People like Dez, of the cool and calm demeanor, and the less than posh British accent, are needed to see beyond extreme ideology with a practical eye and a barbed bit of jest.

I can say, without hesitation, THE GATEKEEPER puts the thrill in thriller!