A review by carolann331
Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon by Kim Zetter


I first heard about this book on Jenny Colvin's Reading Envy Podcast Episode 109 with guest Scott Danielson and knew right away that I had to read it.

It's an intriguing story that had me on the edge of my seat for most of the book. It moves at a good pace and alternates between solving the mystery of the who, what, where, and why of Stuxnet, and the historical facts about the players and targets.

It was eye-opening to discover that the U.S. and Israel joined forces to covertly develop digital weapons that not only collected and reported information, but physically destroyed equipment. I can't believe I'd never heard anything about this and that it isn't spoken about more openly, especially when some of the research was conducted in my home town of Idaho Falls, ID and sixty miles out into the desert at the Idaho National Laboratory.

All in all this was a captivating, informative book that has left me enlightend, but no without some disturbing concerns: 1) The very people we've entrusted to keep us safe and state they are "committed to strengthening computer security in the U.S" appear to be the same ones that are exploiting it, and 2) Who/what will become collateral damage in the process?

If you're interested in science, technology, national security.... Read this! Highly recommended.