A review by curiouslibrarian
Athena's Daughters, vol. 1: Women in Science Fiction & Fantasy by Sherwood Smith, Mary Robinette Kowal, Janine K. Spendlove, Gail Z. Martin, Jean Rabe


This is an incredibly well put together collection of stories. I backed it on kickstarter not knowing whether I would get a mess of a collection, or potentially a few good stories... but almost every story hit the mark for me. I love that having female spec fic main characters meant a diverse range. For instance, it's not often that you see a disabled senior citizen as a main character (unless you are talking a wizened crone/witch character in a fairy tale). There was certainly a good helping of young girls having fanciful adventures, but this collection is so much more than that.

My only major complaint is that most of the art looks rather amateurish. But the stories more than make up for it. (Although I hate to say that one of the big-name authors could have used another editing pass on her story.)

I am REALLY looking to volume 2, and backed that one on kickstarter as well.