A review by postitsandpens
Slash by Slash, Anthony Bozza


While reading this, I couldn't help the comparisons between this and Nikki Sixx's The Heroin Diaries, which I LOVED. Overall, I think Nikki had a much more solid story, even though his only took place over one year of his life. He was much more straightforward regarding his drug abuse and addiction problems. Slash, on the other hand, talks about his entire life from his childhood all the way through 2007, when this book was first published, and at times sort of talked around his addiction, almost to the point where he said yes, I did have a problem, but I was able to handle it (the term "functioning drug addict/alcoholic" was used many times, which honestly is an oxymoron, no?). Slash's narrative was also a bit all over the place - he'd be talking about one incident, and then jump to another, and then go on a third tangent, and then get back to his original thought. It's probably the way his brain works, but it was a bit disconcerting. I did like, however, that even though at this point he was really angry with Axl for everything that happened with Guns N' Roses, he made sure to say that this was his viewpoint, and that Axl no doubt had his own, and both were equally as valid. I liked that this wasn't just "dumping on Axl Rose", which it could easily have been considering their history. And it makes me wish so badly that I could have been a fly on the wall as they finally worked through some of their differences to reunite earlier this year. It's pretty clear from this book that Slash never thought it would happen!