A review by bookishxblondie
Dangerous Curves Ahead by Sugar Jamison


I will say with full disclosure, I am a fat woman. I enjoy this sub genre because honestly there is still a stigma a lot of men have when it comes to being attracted to or dating fat women. So many of these novels revolve around the women having self hatred and the mean as well because he's somehow damaged or broken for finding a fat woman attractive. So I treasure the books that men aren't hung up on the fact that the leading lady is fat, but the fact that they are attracted to them, because of who they are. This book is one of those. Mike doesn't spend much, if any time, in his own head wishing he could be normal and liking a thin girl.

It really irritates me when thin women get up in arms when stories like these exist, because while every female and male for that matter might have hang ups and insecurities about their bodies, I'm willing to bet money unless they're fat, they haven't had to worry about people taking pictures of them in public to post online to make fun of them, they haven't been moo'd at, haven't been compared to farmyard animals, large sea creatures, or in general be stared at in disgust when you happen to exist in public spaces while being fat. Not to mention not being able to eat in public without people watching you or staring at you as if you're a zoo animal on display.

God forbid, we have stories that don't further damage our self esteem or drive us further into self hatred or depression, because we've tried to lose weight and can't or for any number of reasons.

That being said, I enjoyed the book. The dialogue between the two MCs was fun and witty and even when it did touch on Ellis's insecurities, it was shown to be a mix of outside forces and not just self loathing and hate.

I also loved Ellis's stepdad, although I feel like the author spent too much time focused on Ellis's sister that could've been cut for time.

Overall though, this was a solid novel for me. 4/5 stars and I would recommend.