A review by oneanjana
Go by Kazuki Kaneshiro


Reading GO was such an eye-opener for me. I didn’t read many Japan Literature before, so I don’t know if the racism issue in Japan is mentioned in other books.

GO tells a story about a young Korean descent live in Japan. Even though he was born and raised in Japan, the Japanese still see them as Zainichi (a Korean resident of Japan). So, they are seen and treated like a foreigner by the Japanese. This book also has so many literature and movie references, it’s so fun to know many more literature mentioned.

Although at the beginning he said that the story in this book was about his love story, but the romance isn’t mentioned much. For me, this book is more about what nationality means, how people often treat others differently based on their origins or maybe their physical appearance.

I like the part where our MC tells about the history of racism between Japanese and Korean people, also the part about DNA and tracing our roots from mother. This book also tells a lot about friendship, and the courage to embrace ‘who I am inside’ and have a firm stand on our own life principles even though it may be different from other people.