A review by briannareadsbooks
Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy


ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I wasn't a big fan of this book. I feel like writing about teenage superheroes always has a bit of a silly and juvenile feel to it. I found this same problem when reading The Extraordinaires. I feel like this really impacted my experience, because, on one hand, the superhero aspect was a bit silly and not-taken-seriously, but very serious things were happening, like teenagers being poisoned from street drugs and kidnapping and even character death. The vibes just didn't add up.

Besides that, I felt like there were a lot of plotlines that didn't add up and that weren't explored deep enough. Faith spends a lot of time talking about how she feels like she doesn't fit in with her friends, so it's hard to feel sorry about what happens to them when I didn't feel that attached in the first place. And not only that, but the love interest was clearly very fishy from the start (at least to me), and another love interest who I liked way better was forgotten halfway through. And I still have so many questions because not everything was wrapped up.

Overall, I loved hearing about a fat wlw superhero. I really liked Faith. But the plotlines and the other characters just did not interest me.