A review by helterskelliter
Winnebago Graveyard by Steve Niles, Alison Sampson


So, this story has a LOT of negative reviews. Or, more accurately, a lot of lackluster reviews. I didn’t pay much mind to them before reading the story. Maybe I should have?

I definite do not vehemently dislike this work but I do agree that it has some unrefined aspects, perhaps the worst aspect being its reliance on cliches. To me, it seems like it was trying to pull off a Texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque story without any of the finesse. There’s not enough attention paid to the details, though to pull it off. Ultimately, I’m left feeling like this story bit off more than it could chew.

That said, I did still give it a fairly neutral rating because I did find the underlying (and unfortunately under-developed) idea to be interesting and the art is definitely engaging if a bit incongruous with the writing at points. I appreciated the essay addition at the end of the work as well though I wish the content had been more integrated in some way. It just kind of “floats” at the end there with little purpose.