A review by bfdbookblog
Come What May by A.M. Arthur


Whew…I’m not going to lie, I didn’t like Jonas at all when we meet him…even knowing there was probably a good reason for his attitude I didn’t want to forgive it at first. Tate sees something in Jonas and doesn’t want to give up even after he’s a jerk on their first couple of encounters. As Tate uncovers the real Jonas we see what an amazing young man he is and how just a little bit of belief in him goes a long way.

Both men have some growing up to do – Jonas more than Tate, as well as self-acceptance, release of guilt and acceptance of help and love from others. There are several issues these men deal with, either directly or indirectly – homophobia, parental rejection, death of parents, too much responsibility at too young an age, sexual abuse and a physical attack. While Jonas really does need Tate, I think Tate needs Jonas too and they really are perfect for each other. The growth of their relationship is so, so good and I loved every part of it.

It was great seeing other characters from other stories, which I’m learning is something this author does quite a bit. I loved seeing Ezra, Donner and Brendan from the Belonging series…I loved them so much in that series so this was a great crossover! I’m guessing book 2 will be about Marc and it sounds like that one might be a hard one to read. There were a few characters that I hope we see in future books…Will and Ice especially.