A review by msgabbythelibrarian
Black Bird, Blue Road by Sofiya Pasternack


I said it yesterday and I will say it today

If this does not receive any recognition at the ALA Youth Media Awards, I will be VERY surprised. Yes, I need to dive more into just what the committee looks for, but in the meantime, I think of the things that stand out to me.

1.) An amazing storyline. Where I flitted between the line of magic realism and fantasy with the realistic fiction components.
2) A different setting. I do not often see books that involve Jewish protagonists (especially in NON Holocaust/WWII texts).
3.) The LOVE between brother and sister. Ziva would do anything for Pesch, even face Death in the face. I loved the sacrificial love and bond that the both shared at different times throughout Black Bird, Blue Road. It made me teary.
4.) I found the dialogue to be very well written. I know, I know, this shouldn't stand out to me. It should be the case all the time. But let's be real. It's middle grade fiction and there is a lot of garbage out there.

Read this book, y'all. I need to process it more but right now, all I can say is wow. This story will be enjoyed by many of my patrons. It reads like an adventure novel. It would have mythology elements that appeal to fans of Percy Jackson. It is a sibling story. It's clean of content. It's a winner in my book.